African People’s Convention (APC) e.V.







APC's cooperation with other NGO by Mr.Peter Bekake, PRO

I hereby wish to inform the house that Mr. Ignatius and myself Bekake Peter did honour the invitation by the Association "Essbare Stadt" at 6:45 pm  today in their Club or meeting house - Schönfelder strasse 41A, kassel.

We were so gladly and specially welcome given the good impression their representatives; Benjamin and Simone had during their visit at APC.

Besides the 2 of us, they were also guested by visitors from other associations e.g. the Green Peace etc.

Their principal mission at moment is to propagate their ideology through drawings and direct sensitisation Campaigns of the public. In this light, they asked us if the APC would allow them co-organise a food sales stand during the next Tag der Erde? They will be contacting the APC exco on that and to take the necessary steps towards getting permission from the Tag der Erde
e. organisers.

The second point they will like to cooperate with APC is medicinal plants? The lady concerned,
Mrs.Simone, took our contacts and happily looks forward to exchanging ideas and experiences with us.

Other matters: They find the African culture very interesting for their projects and they use typical African symbols in their propagation drawings. Their president, Benjamin will be flying to Ghana for publicity/sensitisation drawings.

It was quite interesting being with them and that they are sooo gladly willing to work with us.


APC was in Hamburg,report by Mr Kelvin Ojugo

On the 21. 10 20017,the Áfrican People's Convection (A.P.C) sent 7 delegates which humbly attended the TOPAFRIC 7th African Youth Educational Award in Hamburg.
The attendees include: Mrs Amie Ceeesay, Mr. Balo Momodu, Mr. Ignatius Igator, Mr. Kelvin Ojugo, Mr. Goodman Service, Mr. Simon and Mr. Awung  Stephen, the President of  APC.
The ceremony was so amazing to see African youths who were able to carry on their educational career and graduated from the  university despise the cost of living and language difficulties in Germany.
What amazed me was the testimony of a young lady from Rwanda, who came to Germany alone when she was a little girl as a refugee.Despise the difficulties she encountered, she choosed to study while going to work to pay her house rent and her other school needs.
Her poor Parent whom she was getting little help from died but  that did not stop her from pursuing her dream to study and she finally graduated as a dentist. Is that not amazing? We also heard the story of a young woman who came to Germany as a refugee from Mali but work hard to become the first black parliamentarian in the German state of Schlesing-Holstein.This lady holds a degree in political science and a member of the Left party in Germany.
This award was given to African youths  who exel  either in their studies or apprentership to  boost up their zeal to succeed in their quest and contribute meaningful to the society. Many motivational speeches were given to encourage the youth like that of the Vice Ambassador of Ghana who advised the community to respect the laws of the host country and play a role in the development of Africa.
This event also challenges  most of us, whom do think that language is a hindrance to success;  no no no no. You can, I mean we can do more better if we really want to. APC has been assisting African youths to integrate in the German labour market through mentoring and educational fora organised on regular basis.

Radio Bericht-Einbürgerungsbegleiter

Refugees integration program  2015

APC welcomes and supports refugees integration programs in Germany. The organisation has two officers who are responsible to helps new immigrants integrate in the labour market. The orgnisation believes that the German languange is the corner stone of any successful integration policy.

Migration talks with Stephen Awung and Momodu Balogun

The president of the African People`s Convention, Mr. Awung and his predecessor Mr. Momodu  were invited by the Schlachthof cultural center in Kassel to educate youths from  nine European countries about migration and integration. Read more


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